Karta podarunkowa SHOGLA Shogla.com
Karta podarunkowa SHOGLA Shogla.com
Karta podarunkowa SHOGLA Shogla.com
Karta podarunkowa SHOGLA Shogla.com
Karta podarunkowa SHOGLA Shogla.com


SHOGLA gift card

Sale price$29.07

WSHOGLA wiemy, że czasami kupienie komuś  prezentu nie jest proste. Dlatego oferujemy karty podarunkowe. Karta podarunkowa to idealne rozwiązaniena zawsze trafiony prezent. Osoba, której podarujesz naszą kartę może wykorzystać ją na dowolne zakupy w naszym sklepie. Wygodne i praktyczne rozwiązanie.


At SHOGLA , we know that sometimes buying someone a gift is not easy. That's why we offer gift cards. A gift card is the perfect solution for a gift that always hits the spot. The person you give our card to can use it for any purchases in our store. A convenient and practical solution.

How to buy a SHOGLA gift card?

Select the card value and add it to your cart. You can combine cards freely to get the exact amount. You will receive the gift card by e-mail within one business day of receiving the payment.

Cards can be purchased alone or together with other products from the store as part of one order.

How to use a SHOGLA gift card?

The card can only be used in the Shogla.com online store.

You can send the card received by e-mail to the recipient by e-mail or print it and hand it in person. The card is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

The card can be used for one or more orders.

Regulations and detailed information can be found here: Gift Card Regulations