5 facts you need to know about protecting your eyes with sunglasses - check if your eyes are safe!

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Eye protection is important all year round, but especially in summer, when intense solar radiation can cause serious vision problems. Sunglasses are an essential tool for protecting your eyes against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Here are five facts you should know about protecting your eyes with sunglasses.

1. UV radiation can cause eye damage
UV radiation is an invisible spectrum of radiation that can cause damage to the eyes. Long-term exposure to UV radiation can lead to cataracts, as well as retinal diseases such as macular degeneration and retinal degeneration. Sunglasses with the appropriate UV filter can help protect your eyes from these harmful rays.

2. Not all sunglasses are created equal
Not all sunglasses offer the same protection. It is important to choose glasses with a 100% UV filter, which means that they filter 100% of harmful UV rays. Sunglasses that lack UV filtering can cause even more damage to your eyes because they dilate your pupils and allow even greater exposure to UV radiation.

3. Sunglasses can help protect against skin diseases
Sunglasses not only protect your eyes, but they can also help protect the skin around your eyes. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and exposed to the harmful effects of UV radiation, which can lead to premature skin aging and wrinkles. Sunglasses can help reduce your skin's exposure to the harmful effects of UV radiation and reduce the risk of wrinkles.

4. Sunglasses don't have to be expensive
Good sunglasses with a 100% UV filter do not have to be expensive. Many brands offer good quality sunglasses at an affordable price. It is important to ensure that the glasses you choose have proper UV filtering.

5. Sunglasses are important all year round
Sunglasses are not just a summer gadget. UV radiation is present all year round, not only in summer. Even on cloudy days, UV radiation can penetrate clouds and affect your eyes. That's why it's important to wear protective sunglasses all year round, not just on sunny days.

In summary, protecting your eyes from UV radiation is important for maintaining the health of your eyes and the skin around your eyes. When choosing sunglasses, make sure they have proper UV filtering to provide the best protection. Sunglasses do not have to be expensive, but they should be chosen according to each person's needs and preferences. It is also important to wear sunglasses all year round, not just during the summer season.